Sunday, 13 December 2009

A new blog

Alright, this is my only blog, i need some help, any help would be grateful


  1. Hey, this is im a ligor! I see you need some help with your blog... If you comment with any questions on mine i'll be glad to help you! And if you don't get any visitors once you start, I'll put a link from my blog to yours ( I have 90,000 page views)Blogging is super fun once you figure everything out! I started when I was your age too!
    Waddle on!
    ~ im a ligor

  2. thanks im a ligor, it seems the only visitors i get are u and me. Il try to ask my friend edward to check out my blog. And have u checked out my google blog? its: thnx for commenting, i hope u see my new post!! I did it on new years day, are u gonna watch doctor who today? I-i-m n-n-ot

  3. Oh and between my site URL and thnx for commenting, i was supposed to put a full stop there so dont get confused. Waddle on! -mousepad1234

  4. well, How do u put pictures onto ur blog?
