Saturday, 9 January 2010

new pet guys!!

Hey guys!! I have adopted a pet!! His name is spikey!! isnt he cute! Im also putting him on the side bar

he is spikey!! (cos hes spikey lolz

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Mousepad is now longer a member...

Boo hoo!! Mousepad is no longer a two month member anymore!! :-( WAHH This is the last picture of him being a member: :-(

This me being a non member:

But i dont care that my membership has expired because non-members have their own star!! See?


Friday, 1 January 2010

It seems that the club penguin team were having a break yesterday, because on new years day everyone celebrates!! And the club penguin team have rights to have a break and party, but this is what i think, Because of all the updates, the mission wasnt being done, so Billybob and Rsnail made everyone stop doing the new pin and catalog updates and made everyone stop doing what they were doing and made everyone work on the new mission. here is proof:


Where has new years eve and the catalog gone??

Where has the fireworks gone? I woke up this morning to find no fireworks and no new catalog :( Plz comment if it just appears out of now where. ( im counting on u im a ligor)

funny pictures

Here are some funny pictures

Poor fish, its not nice burning ppl :(

The ninjas have returned!! (never knew what a water ninja was though)

Look!! Mousepad is shooting a bay bees snowman!! (now penguins, dont get any ideas, I SAID DONT GET ANY IDEAS!!

Oh noes!! Mousepad is getting killed by his pet puffle!! D-=

Franky is getting killed by lightning!!!

Look!! A ninja has discovered a portal to somewhere!! Lets ente-- AAARGH SPLAT!

Wow!! The Reverse world!! And Giratina!!
Rockhopper!!! YAY =-D Oh, it's only mouse dressed as rockhopper =-(

Thats all guys, Bye for now!!

Woo hoo!! I woke up today to find it was 2010!! Sadly, the catalog has not come out yet, so when it comes out il do the cheats (if there are any cheats) but first i need some help for putting in pictures, and i also play chobots so i will be making a chobots blog, and i almost forgot, a happy new year for all penguins!! (and hebert and kluzty) Hang on, speaking of those villians, The mission has not come out, (i was really excited when mimo777 posted it on his blog that the mission had not come out) so when it comes out il complete it then do the walkthrough.
